User's guide

Nearest caches

Searching nearest Geocaches around the given coordinates and their storing into Locus Map application belongs to the key features of this add-on. The dialog for entering coordinates can be displayed several ways, either from a dashboard or directly from Locus Map application.

If this dialog is displayed directly from Locus Map, the add-on will take over map center location from Locus Map as coordinates, otherwise it will try to find out coordinates from GPS or using Wireless network (depends on available and allowed location providers in your Android device).

The coordinates can be manually changed or retrieved again with GPS button. A text boxes for entering coordinates are very benevolent for your input. For example, instead of entering a cardinal points (N/S and E/W), just use minus before degrees. The separator between degrees, minutes (and seconds) can be any non-numeric character. The text box will be automatically formatted according to Geocaching conventions after leaving this text box.

Bellow the coordinate text boxes is located selection for how many Geocaches you want to download. Here is possible to select count of Geocaches from 10 to 500 with 10 Geocaches step size or 1 to 500 with one Geocache step size. This depends on your Step size for count of caches in add-on preferences.

During searching for the nearest caches are also applied various filters, which you can change with button Filter or in the add-on preferences.

After the add-on download Geocaches, Locus Map application show the Import dialog. There is necessary to choose a category where the newly downloaded caches will be stored.

Tip: The button Nearest can be added to panel on map screen in Locus Map. See, how to do it.